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4/30/16 Ad
Publication Date April 30, 2016
Ad Source MM Site
Smiley Type Smiley with 5 hairs

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SR/CL: May Day, 2016} Leitmotiv: "He calls who He will."—John Owen

The Loyal Order of Un-reconstructed Freaks in conjunction with The Little Orphan Children have cybernetically generated the Summer Tour, which is on file in the Lambert Room of the Hotel California, available both consule Planco et in praesentia. At the Feast (paupiettes de porc) celebrating the 486th anniversary of the Confessio Augustana, Jenny Geddes will present the last cerbral/pharmacological advances vis-a-vis "a body of experimental and practical divinity." Since last we met, the nigrostratial pathway has been experimentally plumbed in ways heretofore considered impossible. Jenny's chemical probing of statistically significant droves of Pigs (cf., St. Augustine's interpretation of St. Luke 14:23) has opened new avenues of applicaion for 5HT7 (irreversible silent antagonist) @ 377.2 nM. Ridley & Latimer are following up on both GluN2B and GluN3. The Arbella was scheduled to make landfall on 6/24/2016, immediately after clearing 33°42'30" N., 118°15;05" W., but Friedrich Myconius discovered an active cell of Hirelings @ 425 S. Palos Verdes, San Pedro 90371 and Johann Walter serendipitously uncovered Pelagian devils @ 330 Centre St., San Pedro 90731. THEREFORE, the Arbella will be skippered by Winthrop, following the known path of the Golden Hind with landfall in Nova Albion as per both genrealized Darboux (5/1/82, II) and Laguerre (9/1/92, III) functions of a hyperspace (12/2/15, II) in Riemannian space—vats of Full Doctrine to proceed overland by the established route (5/1/85,III). Et ad haec quis tam idoneus? Orate pro nobis.

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The Lambert Room of the Hotel California

33°42'30" N., 118°15'05" W. is the location of the Los Angeles Harbor Lighthouse, also known as Angels Gate Light, located in the San Pedro Breakwater.


330 Centre St., San Pedro 90731 is the headquarters of the Los Angeles Port Police.

425 S. Palos Verdes, San Pedro 90371 is the City Government Office for the Port of Los Angeles.

Nova Albion, or New Albion, was the name of all North America north of Mexico, from "sea to sea," claimed by Sir Francis Drake for England in 1579. The extent of New Albion and the location of Drake's port have long been debated by historians, with most believing that he came ashore in the Bay Area on the coast of northern California. Wikipedia

Scientific and Mathematic References

  • Nigrostratial pathway - one of the major dopamine pathways in the brain. Loss of dopamine neurons in the substantia nigra is one of the main pathological features of Parkinson's disease, leading to a marked reduction in dopamine function in this pathway.
  • 5HT7 - serotonin
  • Irreversible silent antagonist - An irreversible antagonist is a type of antagonist that binds permanently to a receptor, either by forming a covalent bond to the active site, or alternatively just by binding so tightly that the rate of dissociation is effectively zero at relevant time scales. Irreversible enzyme inhibitors that act similarly are clinically used and include drugs such as aspirin, omeprazole and monoamine oxidase inhibitors. Wikipedia
  • GluN2B and GluN3 - NMDA receptors (affected by psychedelic drugs)

Religious References

  • St. Luke 14:23 - From the Parable of the Banquet. "And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled."

Historical References

Foxe's Book of Martyrs Plate V - Latimer before the Council
  • Ridley & Latimer - Two of The Oxford Martyrs, along with Thomas Cranmer. They were tried for heresy in 1555 and burnt at the stake in Oxford, England, for their religious beliefs and teachings, during the Marian persecution of protestants in England. Wikipedia
  • Friedrich Myconius - Myconius was a German Lutheran theologian. A friend and co-worker of Martin Luther, he preached Luther's message to the people of Gotha and Leipzig. He was sent to England to discuss the details of the Augsburg Confession, and later wrote a history of the Reformation. Encyclopedia Brittanica
  • Johann Walter - A Lutheran composer and poet during the Reformation period. He is celebrated on April 24th in the Lutheran Calendar of Saints.
  • The Golden Hind - An English galleon best known for her privateering circumnavigation of the globe between 1577 and 1580, captained by Sir Francis Drake. Wikipedia
  • Darboux - Jean-Gaston Darboux (1842-1917) was a French mathematician who made important contributions to geometry and analysis and after whom the Darboux integral is named. Brittanica
  • Laguerre - Edmond Nicolas Laguerre was a French mathematician who worked in the areas of geometry and complex analysis. Wikipedia


  • both console Planco et in praesentia - Translates to "In the consulship of Plancus" or "In the good old days" (Horace)
  • paupiettes de porc - Stuffed pork filet. A long, thin strip of pork is stuffed with vegetables or sweetmeats before being rolled and cooked.
  • Et ad hard quit tam idoneus? - An excerpt from Corinthians II 2:16. "To the one we are the savour of death unto death; and to the other the savour of life unto life. And who is sufficient for these things?"